Facilitate fast and accurate assessment of medical reports for Post Issue Sampling.

Our Post Issue Sampling Tool, through the use of Machine Learning allows data to be extracted from medical reports and  structured so that the data can be compared to a set of application form disclosures.

Our Post Issue Sampling Tool structures your medical report data, so you don’t have to.

How our Post Issue Sampling Tool can revolutionise your operations


Our ability to extract key underwriting data points that can be automatically assessed using simple, explainable logic.

Comparison of structured data sources

Demonstrate automated comparisons of data from a structured application form to the data included in an unstructured medical report.


Make sure that customer disclosures on the application were accurately answered by comparing these to an independent report on their medical history.

Find out more

Submit your details to find out more about how our Post Issue Sampling Tool can transform the life insurance customer journey.